Restraint & Seclusion Data
CDE's data is available here:
Restraint & Seclusion Data - AB 1466
Great Valley Academy
Governor Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 1466 on October 8, 2023. This law seeks to increase transparency by allowing members of the public easy access to information relevant to the control of student behavior in school environments. Effective immediately, all local educational agencies (LEAs) will be required to post on their websites the same data related to restraint and seclusion that they are currently required to share with the California Department of Education (CDE).
What Does AB 1466 Add to the Existing Law?
Existing law limits the use of restraint and seclusion by school personnel. It also requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to collect data annually and report to the CDE specific information about the use of behavioral restraints and seclusion in schools. California Education Code section 49006 requires that LEAs submit a report to the CDE no later than three months after the end of a school year.
This information must be separated by race or ethnicity and gender, with separate counts for students with Section 504 plans and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and those without such plans.
For the 2023-2024 School Year, Great Valley Academy provided the following data:
- The number of students subjected to mechanical restraint - 0
- The number of students subjected to physical restraint - 0
- The number of students subjected to seclusion - 0
- The number of times mechanical restraint was used on students - 0
- The number of times physical restraint was used on students - 0
- The number of times seclusion was used on students - 0